Monday, September 1, 2008

First Impressions: Force Unleashed

Over the weekend I finally jumped onto X-Box Live and downloaded the Force Unleashed demo. I haven't regularly played a video game in quite some time, but the fall/holiday lineup of X-Box titles looks mighty impressive, so I figured I'd get a jump start.

The demo, which took me maybe 15 minutes to complete, was... boring, to be frank. Maybe LucasArts didn't want to give away too much, but even after a quarter of an hour I became rather tired of the "hack, slash, repeat" gameplay. Don't get me wrong, the Force powers were cool, and you feel really badass charging up a Force push and just leveling a door and whatever is behind it. But in the heat of battle, I found it was a lot more effective to just hack your way through the enemies, perhaps using some lightning to immobilize them when they started to swarm.

Maybe the KotORs spoiled me, because the thought of being Darth Vader's secret apprentice should send me into waves of fanboy extacy, yet I find the thought of being forced to play one side rather dull. In any video game where I'm given a choice, I will always be a cold-hearted killer--that's just what's fun for me. Yet with so many new titles letting us see the concequences of our choices, the idea of a cut-and-dry Star Wars game just doesn't thrill me.

Hopefully my doubts will prove unfounded once the title drops. There certainly was potential in the demo for this to be a fun game, but ultimately I feel it can be nothing better than God of War with a lightsabre; something light and playable with some "Oh shi-"' moments of badassery, but ultimately a game that you can't really sink your teeth into. There's nothing wrong with that, but I have a feeling I'll have to wait until Fable 2 in order to really get my game on.

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